Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Scary Scary Scary

ice cream truck In the year 2005 ice cream trucks have nearly become extinct. There is just no way to trust a guy giving your kids ice cream out of the back of his truck. A couple years ago I saw the first ice cream truck in my neighborhood in a good ten years. This is not an ice cream truck like we remember. It was not shiny and bright and colorful, it is more like the scary no window rapist van. The very appearance of this van strikes fear into my very soul. See me and my cousin Joel were walking to my house at around two in the morning about 5 years ago probably. We noticed this van drive pass the road we were walking on and then immediately hit its breaks. We quickly took cover behind a shrubbery in fears it was maybe the police trying to enforce a city cerfuw. However, when the gray van drove by we saw what could only be described as sasquatch behind the wheel staring intently into the yard of the houses we were near. We kept our cool at this point and kept walking once the van had passed us by. We turned down the next road and heard the van coming up to the corner near us once again so we quickly found cover behind a couple trees. This continued for five or so more blocks until we finally arrived safely back at my house. Once our ordeal was over we had taken cover behind a shrubbery, trees, layed out under parked cars, dove over fences into back yards, and ran as hard as we could for a good half a mile. Maybe I am a little biased against such vans after this experience, but any van like this that drives around playing the song "who's afraid of the big bad wolf" has absolutely no trust from me.


At 10:29 AM, June 02, 2005, Blogger Andrew said...

"Big Bad Wolf" is just NOT an appropriate song to be playing from an ice cream truck. Scary...

At 7:39 PM, June 02, 2005, Blogger Ang said...

I share your ice cream truck sentiments. Emma and Liam have been thoroughly warned to stay far far away from the "Big Bad Wolf" truck that pretends to sell ice cream.

At 3:35 PM, February 25, 2008, Blogger Strideo said...

I just saw a scary ice cream van. What ever happened to the clean friendly man with the white paper hat and the apron and his clean charming box truck? I want that guy back. Not these seedy looking kidnap vans with hairy dudes driving them. >_<


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