Thursday, May 19, 2005

Neverland Porn Fest

Ok so I have to comment on this little story. Michael Jackson's case is in full swing and the team of lawyers Jackson has defending him are doing the best that they can to show that he is innocent. After months of listening to the prosecutions case, it is finally time for the defendants to make a case for his innocence. First off when half of your own witnesses are being turned away by the judge because their testimonies aren't reliable as being closely factual, you have a problem. Then when you finally get a witness on the stand to testify for you it is Macaulay Culkin? Why doesn't the defense just bring up everyone the world has been suspicious of being molested by Michael Jackson, and why does the testimony of Culkin matter? This case isn't about Macaulay Culkin, nor is it dated in the early 90's. How is anything Macaulay Culkin says relevant to this case? Why doesn't Jackson's defense call Corry Feldman to the stand as well. We all know that he would just stand right their by Michaels side to defend him all the way wouldn't he? I mean he has never made it a point to avoid the subject of his trips to the neverland ranch or anything. Today's big headline for the case is about Michael Jackson's cousin testifying that the boy accusing Jackson of molesting him watched porn alone and touched himself. He stated that he had seen the little boy watching porn by himself at the ranch and touching himself while watching that porn. Ok how is this supposed to help Michael Jackson's case? Why was the boy watching porn at his ranch in the first place and why the heck was Michael Jacksons cousin sitting there watching the kid touch himself while watching porn? Where did this porn come from? Did it just magicaly appear at the ranch? I guess it could have just popped out of know where...neverland is supposed to be a pretty magical world. I think Michael Jackson's defense could save the U.S. from spending even more money to finance this circus that makes an even greater mockery out of the U.S. court system. He needs to just admit that he is a sick petifile, and get on with the jail term. I don't believe in any way that the prosecution of this case is completely innocent either...I think that any parent that lets their young boy go spend the night at a grown man's house, which is called the neverland ranch, and who has been accused of molestation in the past, is asking for their child to be molested and they are only looking for a fat pay out by Michael Jackson. I guess that they did not realise that Michael would not be handing out large settlement money this time since he is going bankrupt. I guess that they should have done their research first before they used their young son to try to advance their financial well being.


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