My Favorite Commercial Ever
"I am 23 and living with genital herpes. I don't let it get me down....I have gone three months now without an outbreak, and thats the way to be." Ok I love this commercial. There aren't many commercials out there that start out with such a hard hitting line as "I am 23 and living with genital herpes." How desperate does an actor have to be to get this job? Maybe it is a decent paying role, but do you really want your face all over tv saying you have genital herpes? It reminds me of the episode of Friends where Joey does a modeling gig for the city health department and he ends up being on VD posters all over New York City. All I know is that, if I had genital herpes, this commercial would have definately sold me on this medication. Going three months without a herpes outbreak is definately the way to be haha.
As of this moment...right now...I am rolling on the floor in laughter...
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