Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Heart Of A Jr. Higher

When I moved back here last May I was asked by one of my good friends to join the jr. high youth group at Calvary Church as the music leader. Most of you probably know that I love music, specificaly the guitar, and more specificaly the acoustic guitar. A lot was changing for me at the time the question was posed, but I agreed to try it out. Well, I have been working with the jr. high this entire school year, and it has been an unexpected blessing to me. I went into this ministry not looking to take a lot from it, but hoping to bring a lot to it. Now that the year is coming to an end I can truly say my assumptions were completely flipped. I am not sure how much I brought to the group, but I have definitely taken a lot away from this experience. I am amazed every week by the hearts of these kids. The majority of these kids don't have much experience in music, or leading worship, but they are more willing and eager to try it out than I can ever remember being. I have learned a lot about the real heart of worship, and have been amazed by all that these kids have taught me. They come to sing and worship Sunday night for an hour and a half as well as Wednesday night for an hour and a half! We started the year out slowly getting to know one another, and getting an idea of what we wanted to accomplish. I quickly realized that accomplishing "good" music was not our main purpose or goal, but instilling a true desire and passion for worship is what this whole thing is about. I have learned tons from these kids, and am truly grateful for that. I am sad that the year is ending with them, and that some of them will be moving on to the high school group next fall, but i eagerly look ahead to seeing new faces, and familiar ones returning. God has truly blessed me in this ministry, and I am grateful for the things He has taught me through these kids.


At 4:59 PM, May 09, 2007, Blogger .Tom Kapanka said...

Speaking from one of those Jr.Higher's homes, I can say that nearly everything you mentioned may very well not have happened if you hadn't said "Yes." There is an acoustical guitar that is strummed for hours each week in our house that would probably be silent if it hadn't been for this experience. So thank you for this ministry to our kids.
BTW, You're right. It's about sincere worship not perfection.

At 8:32 PM, May 25, 2007, Blogger Andrew said...

The "flip" that you mention is pretty common. We always like to think that we're going to be the ones doing the ministering, but more often than not, we get ministered to.

At 7:39 AM, November 10, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.


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