Want To Go Running?
First of all to all of my "faithfull" readers I appologize for not posting in a while. I have found myself quite busy these past days. I assure you I will be posting again very soon. I plan to sit down this weekend and do a lot of thinking, and reading about certain things, and I am sure to post on my findings. Until that time let me just update you on the past month of my life. As most of you know I have been working for about a month now at Pratt & Whitney. I go into work at 8:00 AM, work for four hours, have an hour lunch from 12-1, then go back and work for four more hours. By the time the small hand reaches the five and the big hand reaches the twelve I am pretty well pooped out. I am enjoying my job experience with Pratt & Whitney very much. Some days go by as fast as the jets who's engines we supply, and other days seem more like a not so funny version of Office Space. Overall I am enjoying this job and really feel like I am starting to finally understand some of what is going on around me in the office. I am also going to feel much better about my time spent in this endeavor come Friday when I finally at last get my first glorious pay check. Other than work, I have been staying busy doing other various things. I have recently become more inspired to run. I am even strongly attempting to get my running ability high enough to join in a half marathon (13.1 miles) in October! This will be my first ever marathon experience and I am looking forward to accomplishing this goal! I am however looking for some good running partners to train with and then run the race with. There are at the moment about five different people who have shown some slight interest in joining me on my quest, but I am not sure if any of these five will in the end run for that finish line. I am starting to not be so happy about missing this fall semester, but I am sure that this will provide me with some good time to really know for sure where God is leading me in my life. I am very sad to not get to see a certain few from school until I get back there but we remain in constant contact, which is most sufficient for now. I am most happy to report that my dear friend spending the summer in London has been fine during these uncertain days in the UK. When the first attack came that Thursday morning she was actually on a train returning from Scotland, and was outside of the city when the attacks happened. This past weeks mini-attack was also no where near her as she was ill and not at work in the city. She is now spending her final days in the UK before returning back to these states we call united, and she will be graduating this December. It seems I now have a variety of friends stretching across this country and others whom I feel somewhat closer to, even though stretched apart by great distances, than I do to the friends that I have here. However, a few relationships have re-bonded and I am very happy for that, and for the support and strength they bring to me. Well I hope that this post proves suffice for my happy half asian readers until I come back with a much more meaningful post. Until that day arrives I wish you all the best in your travels, experiences, and undertakings.
what is going on? it's not July any more. If you're not careful, you may even miss August.
just a friendly reminder that some people check your blog for new postings...and the disappointment is getting difficult.
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